
  1. Marini Govigli, V, Healey JR, Wong JLG, Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Halley JM 2024. Exploring spatial and temporal resilience in socio-ecological systems: Evidence from sacred forests in Epirus, Greece. People and Nature, 00, 1–14.
  2. Georgiadis C, Tsiakiris R, Stara K, Memtsas G, Petsopoulos D, Bataka A, Legakis A, Avtzis DM 2023. An Army of Ants in the Defense of the Sacred: The Myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Sacred Trees of Ipeiros (North West Greece). International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology 6 (6): 000541.
  3. Brenko A, Vidale E, Oliach D, Marois O, Andrighetto N, Stara K, Martínez de Aragón J, Bonet JA.  2022. Short communication: Edible wild mushrooms of the Northern Mediterranean area – Sectorial analysis and future perspectives. Forest Systems, Volume 31, Issue 3, eSC05. DOI: 10.5424/fs/2022313-19346
  4. Roux JL, Konczal AA, Bernasconi A, Bhagwat SA, De Vreese R, Doimo I, Marini Govigli V, Kašpar J, Kohsaka R, Pettenella D, Plieninger T, Shakeri Z, Shibata S, Stara K, Takahashi T, Torralba M, Tyrväinen L, Weiss G, Winkel G. 2022. Exploring evolving spiritual values of forests in Europe and Asia: a transition hypothesis toward re-spiritualizing forests. Ecology and Society 27(4):20.
  5. Stara K, Saravia-Mullin V, Tsiakiris R, Adefolu S, Akyol A, Akyol RI, Asswad NG, Çetin T, Dayyoub M, Dushi G, Ivande ST, Kordopatis P, Kret E, Özuslu, S, Petroopivski N, Simeonova I, Spassova Y, Qaneer TE, Pourchier C, Saad LJ, ElSafoury H, Topi M, Trajҫe A, Ziu D, Nikolov, SC. 2022. Following the White Vulture: Ethno-ornithology along the Flyway of the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus). Human Ecology (2022).
  6. Zannini P, Frascaroli F, Nascimbene J, Halley JM, Stara K, Cervellini M, Di Musciano M, De Vigili F, Rocchini D, Piovesan G, Alessi N, Chiarucci A.  2022. Investigating sacred natural sites and protected areas for forest area changes in Italy. Conservation Science and Practice, e12695.
  7. Taghouti I, Cristobal R, Brenko A, Stara K, Markos N, Chapelet B, Hamrouni L, Buršić D, Bonet J-A. 2022. The Market Evolution of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: A Global Supply Chain Analysis and an Application of the Delphi Method in the Mediterranean Area. Forests 13(5):808.
  8. Zannini P, Frascaroli F, Nascimbene J, Persico A, Halley JM, Stara K, Midolo G, Chiarucci A. 2021. Sacred natural sites and biodiversity conservation: a systematic review. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 3747–3762.  
  9. Oppel S, Arkumarev V, Bakari S, Dobrev V, Saravia-Mullin V, Adefolu S, Aktay Sözüer L, Apeverga PT, Arslan S, Barshep Y, Bino T, Bounas A, Çetin T, Dayyoub M, Dobrev D, Duro K, El-Moghrabi L, ElSafoury H, Endrisn A, Ghazal Asswad A, Harry JH, Ivande ST, Jbour S, Kapsalis E, Kret E, Mahamued BA, Manu SA, Mengistu S, Moussa Zabeirou AR, Muhammad SI, Nakev S, Ngari A, Onoja J, Osta M, Özuslu S, Petrovski N, Popgeorgiev G, Pourchier C, Qaneer T,   Ruffo A, Shobrak M, Sidiropoulos L, Skartsi T, Sözüer Ö, Stara K, Tesfaye M, Topi M, Vavylis D, Velevski M, Vorpsi Z, Wondafrash M, Xeka E, Yeniyurt C, Yordanov E, Nikolov SC. 2021. Major threats to a migratory raptor vary geographically along the eastern Mediterranean flyway. Biological Conservation 262: 109277.
  10. Tsiakiris R, Halley JM, Stara K, Monokrousos N, Karyou Ch, Kassinis N, Papadopoulos M, Xirouchakis S. 2021. Models of poisoning effects on vulture populations show that small but frequent episodes have a larger effect than large but rare ones. Web Ecology 21: 79–93
  11. Diamandis S, Topalidou E, Avtzis D, Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Halley JM. 2021.Fungal diversity in sacred groves vs. managed forests in Epirus, NW Greece. Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation 9(5):142-154. DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2021.09.00335
  12. Oliach D, Vidale E, Brenko A, Marois O, Andrighetto N, Stara K, Martínez de Aragón J, Colinas C, Bonet JA. 2021. Truffle Market Evolution: An Application of the Delphi Method. Forests 12: 1174.
  13. Marini – Govigli V, Εfthymiou A, Stara K. 2021.  From religion to conservation: unfolding 300 years of collective action in a Greek sacred forest. Forest Policy and Economics 131: 102575.
  14. Dobrev D, Tsiakiris R, Skartsi Th, Dobrec V, Arkumarev V, Stara K, Stamenov A, Probonas N, Kominos Th, Galanaki A, Kret E, Hallman B, Grubac B, Sucic G, Marinkovic S, Hribsek I, Skoric S, Jerrentrup J, Lucic V, Kapelj S, Stoyanov G, Zakkak S, Hriston H, Stoychev S, Sidiropoulos L, Bino T, Demerdzhiev. 2021. Long-Term Size and Range Changes of the Griffon Vulture Gyps Fulvus Population in the Balkans: A Review. Bird Conservation International. Cambridge University Press: 1–16. doi:10.1017/S0959270921000198
  15. Stevenson Ph, Bidartondo MI, Blackhall-Miles R, Cavagnaro T, Cooper A, Geslin B, Koch H, Lee M, Moat J, O’Hanlon R, Sjöman H, Sofo A, Stara K, Suz L. M. 2020.
     The State of the World’s Urban Ecosystems: what can we learn from trees, fungi and bees? Plants, People, Planet 2:482-498.
  16. Marini – Govigli V, Healey J, Wong JLG, Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Halley JM 2020. When nature meets the divine: effect of prohibition regimes on the structure and tree-species composition of sacred forests in Northern Greece. When nature meets the divine: effect of prohibition regimes on the structure and tree-species composition of sacred forests in Northern Greece. Web Ecology, 20(2): 53-86.
  17. Charitonidou M, Stara K, Kougioumoutzis K, Halley JM 2019. Implications of salep collection for the conservation of the Elder-flowered orchid (Dactylorhiza sambucina) in Epirus, Greece. Journal of Biological Research- Thessaloniki. 26:18
  18. Stara K, Tsiakiris R 2019. Oriental planes Platanus orientalis L. and other monumental trees in central squares and churchyards in NW Greece: sacred, emblematic and threatened, Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae: 22 (1) 14-18.
  19. Avtzis D N, Stara K, Sgardeli V, Betsis A, Diamandis S, Healey J R, Kapsalis E, Kati V, Korakis G, Marini Govigli V, Monokrousos N, Muggia L, Nitsiakos V, Papadatou E, Papaioannou H, Rohrerm A, Τsiakiris R, Van Houtan K S, Vokou D, Wong J L G, Halley J M 2018. Quantifying the conservation value of Sacred Natural Sites. Biological Conservation 222: 95–103.
  20. Bounas A, Tsiakiris R, Vlachopoulos K, Bukas N, Stara K, Sotiropoulos K 2016. Large Premigratory Roost of Lesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni) in Ioannina City, Greece: Trends, Roost Characteristics, and Implications for Conservation. Journal of Raptor Research 50 (4), 416-421.
  21. Stara K, Sidiropoulos, L, Tsiakiris, R 2016. Bound Eagles, Evil Vultures and Cuckoo Horses. Preserving the Bio-Cultural Diversity of Carrion Eating Birds. Human Ecology 44:751-764.
  22. Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Wong JLG 2015. The trees of the Sacred Natural Sites of Zagori, NW Greece. Landscape Research 40 (7): 884-904. doi:10.1080/01426397.2014
  23. Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Wong JLG 2015. Valuing trees in a changing landscape: A case study from Northwestern Greece. Human Ecology 43: 153-167 doi:10.1007/s10745-014-9706-0
  24. Velevski V, Nikolov SC, Hallman B, Dobrev V, Sidiropoulos L, Saravia V, Tsiakiris R, Arkumarev V, Galanaki A, Kominos T, Stara K, Kret E, Crubac B, Lisicatec E, Kastritis, T, Vavylis D, Topi M, Hoxha B, Oppel S 2014. Population decline and range contraction of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the Balkan Peninsula. Bird Conservation International 25(4): 440-450. doi: 10.1017/S0959270914000343
  25. Tsiakiris R, Stara K, Pantis Ι, Sgardelis S 2009. Microhabitat selection by three common bird species of montane farmlands in northern Greece. Journal of Environmental Management 44:874-887. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-009-9359-8