Tsiakiris R, Stara K, Marini-Govigli V, Wong J (υπό έκδοση) Walking in sacred forests with Oliver Rackham: a conversation about relict landscapes in Epirus NW Greece. In: Rotherham I D, Moody J (editors). Countryside History: Collected essays in honor of the late Professor Oliver Rackham. Pelagic Publishing.
Stara K 2023. A white paper and a knowledge repository on Mediterranean non-wood forest products. In: Tsiakiris R, Mantzanas K, Kazoglou Y, Kakouros P, Papanastasis V (editors). Reviving Agroforestry landscapes in the era of climate change: for people, nature, and local economy. European Network of Political Foundations – EnoP and Green Institute Greece, pp. 212-215.
Stara K 2023. Agroforestry landscapes. The case of century-old isolated trees. In: Tsiakiris R, Mantzanas K, Kazoglou Y, Kakouros P, Papanastasis V (editors). Reviving Agroforestry landscapes in the era of climate change: for people, nature, and local economy. European Network of Political Foundations – EnoP and Green Institute Greece, pp. 38-45.
Simoni H, Papagiannopoulos K, Tsiakiris R, Stara K (2021). Local Resource Management Imprinted in the Landscape: Convergent Evolution in two Greek Mountain-Plains during the last five Centuries. In: Martin Bartelheim/Leonardo García Sanjuán/Roland Hardenberg (eds.), Human-made Environments – The Development of Landscapes as Resource Assemblages. RessourcenKulturen 15, Tübingen University Press, pp. 53-73.
Sheppard J, Santos e Silva C, Louro R, Stara K, Belova O, Spiecker H. (2020). Identification and ecology of NWFP species. In: Vacik H., Hale M, Spiecker H, Pettenella D, Tome M. (eds). Non-wood forest products in Europe. Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products. Outcomes of the COST Action FP1203 on European NWFPs, BoD, Norderstedt, pp. 19-42.
Bonet JA, Egli S, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Bouriaud L,Castaño C, Colinas C, de-Miguel S, Grebenc T, Keca L, Keca N, Latorre J, Louro R, Martín-Pinto P, Martínez de Aragón J, Martínez-Peña F, Oliveira P, Oria-de-Rueda JA, Pla1 T, Santos-Silva C, Stara K, Tomao A, Urban A, Vidale E, Zgrablic Ž. (2020). Mushrooms & truffles. In: Vacik H., Hale M, Spiecker H, Pettenella D, Tome M. (eds). Non-wood forest products in Europe. Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products. Outcomes of the COST Action FP1203 on European NWFPs, BoD, Norderstedt, pp. 213-261.
Stara K. 2019. Intergenerational values in appreciation of multi-purpose trees in northwest Greece. In: Wolfslehner B, Prokofieva I, Mavsar R (eds). Non-wood forest products in Europe: Seeing the forest around the trees. What Science Can Tell Us 10. European Forest Institute, p.18.
Panagiotopoulou M, Azmanis P, Tsiakiris R, Stara K. 2018. Carry on Carrion: The Fall of the Scavenger. In: Butterworth A (ed) Animal Welfare in a Changing World, CABI, UK, pp 57-67.
Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Nitsiakos V, Halley JM 2016. Religion and the management of the commons. The sacred forests of Epirus. In: Agnoletti M, Emanueli F (eds) Biocultural Diversity in Europe. Environmental History 5. Springer Verlag, pp 283 – 302.
Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Sidiropoulos L 2014. Ecologías culturales de buitres y águilas en la Grecia moderna. In: Vásquez–Dávila MA (ed) Aves, personas y culturas. Estudios de Etno–ornitología 1. CONACYT/Carteles Editores. Oaxaca, México, pp 319-323 [Cultural ecologies of vultures and eagles in Modern Greece, in Spanish].
Sidiropoulos L, Tsiakiris R, Azmanis P, Galanaki A, Stara K, Kastritis T., Konstantinou, P, Kret E, Skartsi T, Jerrentrup H, Xirouchakis S, Kominos T 2013. Status of vultures in Greece. In: Andevski J (ed.) Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation. Vulture Conservation Foundation, pp 20-23.
Stara K, Tsiakiris R. Wong J 2012. Sacred trees and groves in Zagori, Northern Pindos National Park, Greece. In: Pungetti G, Oviedo G, Hooke D (eds). Sacred Species and Sites. Advances in Biocultural Conservation. Cambridge University Press, UK, pp 392-396.
Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Wong J 2009. Secular and sacred Trees: Perceptions of Trees in Zagori (Pindos Mountain, Epirus, Greece). In: Saratsi E (ed.) Woodland Cultures in Time and Space, tales from the past messages for the future, Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece, pp 220-227.
Korakis G, Stara K, Tsiakiris R 2008. Nature conservation in traditional protected areas. A floristic approach of sacred woods in Zagori (NW Greece), Στο: Τσαχαλίδης ΠΕ (επιμ.) Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα Τμήματος Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων, Τόμος-αφιέρωμα στη μνήμη του Κωνσταντίνου Σιδέρη, Καθηγητή Δ.Π.Θ, Τόμος Ι, Αφοί Κυριακίδη ΑΕ, Θεσσαλονίκη, σελ. 95-106.
Bourdakis S, Alivizatos H, Azmanis P, Hallmann B, Panayotopoulou M, Papakonstantinou C, Probonas N, Roussopoulos Y, Skartsi D, Stara K, Tsiakiris R, Xirouchakis S 2004. The situation of Griffon Vulture in Greece. In: Slotta-Bachmayr L, Bögel R, Camina CA (eds). The Eurasian Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Europe and the Mediterranean. Status report and Action plan. EGVWG, pp 48-56.